How Important is Tooth Replacement for Your Overall Oral Health?
Our oral health is very important since it doesn’t only help us stay fit, but it also makes us look good and confident whenever we are talking, smiling or eating. This is the reason why It’s very important that you always take good care of your teeth and gums and you can only do that effectively and efficiently should you decide to regularly visit a St Catharines dentist office near me.

However, no matter how hard we try to keep our teeth healthy and presentable, there’s certainly one point in our life where we can experience losing our tooth and because of that, we need to undergo tooth replacement as it is the only way to keep our teeth in place. In this post, we will tackle about tooth replacement as well as the benefits that it can bring to the table.
1. Tooth Replacement Helps in Retaining Bone Mass in the Jaw
Each time you make your mouth move to chew or talk, chances are your teeth will place a bit pressure on your jawbone. As a matter of fact, this pressure can help stimulate bone growth. And, without the teeth that is providing this kind of pressure, there is a big possibility that your jaw can eventually lose bone mass. In relation to that, too much missing bone can also lead to further mouth deterioration, which can also cause your other teeth to loosen through time.
2. It Helps a Lot in Keeping Your Gums Health
Typically, the shifting that takes place from missing teeth might cause your other teeth to fall into other new places. And, sometimes, the new placement can increase the complexity of keeping your oral hygiene in good state. In fact, chances are you may struggle a lot in brushing or flossing. And, over time, you’ll surely be unable to floss and brush in a proper and timely manner, which can lead to a lot of infections below your gum line. Furthermore, the jaw bone loss can also lead to thinning out and receding of your gums. Certainly, this is the last thing that you want to happen, which is why it’s highly recommended by experts that you undergo tooth replacement as much as possible.
3. It Helps Maintain the Appearance of Your Face
A missing tooth is actually obvious when it is located in your mouth’s front area. But, the changes in the muscles, bone, as well as jaw ligaments can certainly result in your mouth getting a sunken look around its edges. Having said that, tooth replacements like bridges and dentures help a lot in keeping everything up and in place so that the appearance of your face will not drastically change.
4. It Prevents the Expansion of Sinus
Your sinuses actually rest above the upper teeth and you may have already noticed this if you’ve ever hand tooth pain in the past that is related to your sinus. Your back teeth actually provide enough support for your jawbone, which helps a lot in keeping the sinuses in place.